iPi Soft

Motion Capture for the Masses

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Archive for March, 2015

More Point Cloud Export Formats Added

Posted on: March 19th, 2015

Since the release of iPi Biomech Add-on a year ago, many customers requested us to extend the list of formats available for point cloud export. MATLAB and PCD formats were convenient enough for researches, but  not for animators.

In animation, point cloud can be used as a video reference, which makes life easier in many cases. iPi Motion Capture is the only commercially available product so far, that allows to obtain point clouds recorded with multiple Kinect sensors. Now you can use this product feature to its full extent.

New! The latest release of iPi Biomech Add-on (included in iPi Mocap Studio) supports export to  Krakatoa PRT, PLY, OBJ, Leika PTS formats that can be recognized by various 3d packages, including 3ds Max and Maya. Read More>>

For more information on iPi Biomech Add-on, please refer to its User Guide. Please be aware that iPi Biomech Add-on requires separate license. 30-days free trial is available.

Engadget: How I Turned my Kinect into a Wondrous Mocap Device

Posted on: March 12th, 2015

Engadget website has just published  a round up story on using Kinect devices to create motion capture content.

What they think of iPi Motion Capture:

Another mocap dev that exploits the Kinect 2 is Ipi Soft, which supports multiple sensors. The app, plus a Kinect 2, will never beat a full-blown studio, of course. But if you stay within its limitations and keep square to the depth sensor, you can capture full body performances for games or animated shows. After a bit of cleanup, the results were very usable.

Read the full article>>

